How Tracklet Works

  1. The user or employee puts on the Tracklet Wristband after they get up in the morning or before they report to work.
  2. The Tracklet Wristbands can communicate via Bluetooth with any Android or Apple iOS Smartphone.
  3. The Tracklet Wristband, when worn on the writs of the user or the employee's wrist, continuously takes numerous, real-time biometric readings of body temperature.
  4. If the biometric readings are outside the bounds of normal health, Tracklet sends that information to the Nexpirion's server. (In the case of a corporate installation, the Tracklet sends the temperature reading to the employer’s server).
  5. In either case, the server's server will then send a private message to the user’s or employee's Tracklet and the App installed on the user’s or employee's smart phone.
  6. The message from the server will furnish instructions to the user or employee, as illustrated below..

Nexpirion’s Tracklet system and its Integrated Voice Response platform, or IVR, in conjunction with the server, communicates with the user or employee as shown below.

When Tracklet is used by a private user, the Tracklet system keeps them advised of variance in their body temperature and sends recommendations to their Smart Phone and Tracklet via the Tracklet App.

In the example below, assume that the user/employee works for Columbia Airways. In this case, the messages would come to user/employee like this.

The text message contains a header as shown below and begins with:


"We are contacting you on behalf of your employer, Columbia Airways.

In attempting to keep our workplace free of Covid 19 Virus, on behalf of your employer, we are asking if you have had any of the following symptoms in the last two weeks?

Please mark Yes or No.

Fever? Yes No
Cough? Yes No
Headache? Yes No
Sore throat? Yes No
Shortness of breath? Yes No
Loss of taste or smell? Yes No
Chills? Yes No
Body ache or muscle pain? Yes No
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea? Yes No

(At this point, the app makes a decision on what message to deliver. If the empoyee's biometric device hasn't repoted a teperatrure above 100.4, and the employee has marked all the symptoms "No" then the app followes protocol A below. On the other had, if the employee answers yes to any quiestion above OR the bometric device reports a temp above 100.4, then the app folows protocol B below.)

PROTOCOL A -- Thank you for reporting. You are free to report to work.

PROTOCOL B -- We have learned through your Smart Wristband that your symptoms are consistent with someone who is potentially ill with the Covid 19 virus."

Continuing of the text message following protocol B: "Your employer has cancelled your shift for today and asks that you go for a medical examination."

Please text a response with a “1” if you received this message.

Please respond with a "2" if you received this message and will go to a doctor of your choice.

Your employer reminds you that your automatic door credentials have been disabled and you will not be able to return to work until you receive and file a return to work report from your doctor.

A further text message could say: "Your employer has learned that you have tested positive for the Covid 19 Virus. You may want to have a family member contact Columbia Airways so together we can ascertain who you and your family members have come in contact with during your incubation period."

The text message continues … "Your family member can text Columbia Airways at 800-555-1234 sending code 12345."

The Tracklet system and its Integrated Voice Response platform (or IVR), in conjunction with the employer's server, also communicates with employee's spouse or child, who may be wearing their own Smart Bracelet.

The text message begins, "We are contacting you on behalf of your spouse who works for Columbia Airways. We have learned through their Smart Wristband that their symptoms are consistent with someone who is potentially ill with the Covid 19 virus."

Continuing of the text message: "Your spouse's employer advises that you (or your child) should go for a medical examination." The message continues, "Your spouse is free to contact Columbia Airways to get more information about the virus. Your spouse's employer will likely not want their employee in the facility if there is a sick family member or members who are not in quarantine."

Click Here to See a Diagram of the Tracklet System.

The Tracklet system controls the collection of the biometric data and sends commands to the employer’s server, which then communicates information and instructions back to the employee or user.
