In 2003, Nexpirion was authorized a general license for the establishment of facilities to provide telecommunications services linking Cuba and the United States.

This license was authorized by the US Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Asset Control. This license allows Nexpirion to transact telecommunications with Cuba.

Nexpirion, with its long history of collect calls, was approached about becoming a "select vendor" for new termination to Cuba. Two factors made it easy for Nexpirion to become a "select vendor." First Nexpirion held its general license to transact telecommunications with Cuba and second, Nexpirion had previously interconnected with Etecsa of Cuba at its point of presence in London.

Another factor assisting Nexpirion is that its President, John Rance, as an attorney, has a long history of working with the US Department of the Treasury on issues relating to Cuba. His history comes from a long standing and currently working relationship with Cuban-originated collect telephone calls. Mr. Rance's relationship is enhanced by his being US General Counsel to Sonatel, SA, from the Dominican Republic. Sonatel, as a carrier in the Dominican Republic, is also authorized a general license for telecommunications and has agreements for calls to be terminated in Cuba.

In dealing with Nexpirion and John Rance, buyers are assured of a legal method of access to Cuba. The Nexpirion system is legal, called "pure white" and does not resort to tricks or scams as a way to obtain delivery of its minutes in Cuba.

In 2011, Nexpirion was granted a contract allowing it to directly sell VoIP termination to Cuba via London. Nexpirion is the first to be selling termination to Cuba without the need to aggregate its route with other "gray route" termination to Cuba.

Nexpirion offers an option to buyers of minutes of termination to Cuba, in that buyers can place the necessary payments in the US trust account of a licensed California attorney. The trust account is maintained in Wells Fargo Bank. This provides another level of security for customers who will be pre-paying for the Cuba minutes.


Consider the benefit of terminating your calls to Cuba via IP with a recognized industry leader who holds a license issued by the US Department of the Treasury.

Enjoy the luxury of having your Cuba termination being delivered direct to Cuba with long billable duration without unnecessary dropped calls.

Welcome to Nexpirion, LLC