Nexpirion is a licensed US telecommunications carrier, providing advanced international telecommunication services.

Since the early 90s, Mr. Rance was legally responsible to insure that all his companies operated under the proper authority of the U.S. Federal Communications Corporation guidelines, specifically section FCC 214.

Beginning in the late 90s, Mr. Rance what the managing general partner of Incomex, which was a company that provided cross-border telecommunications services for 125 hotels located in Mexico.

In 1999, Mr. Rance secured the rights to provide telecom services to the Republic of Cuba. At all times the companies of Mr. Rance were operating with the legal authority provided by FCC 214 and the US Offices of Foreign Asset Controls. The underlying contract became operational in 2001 and continued for 17 years.

In 1998, Mr. Rance was called upon to assist with the closing of the transaction between AcNet USA, AcNet Mexico, Cisco Systems of San Jose California and Petroleos de Mexico, the national oil company of Mexico. At that time, the underlying transaction created the largest high-speed network ever deployed in Latin America.

In 1998, Mr. Rance was again called on by AcNet USA and AcNet Mexico to finalize the commercial transactions that led to the installation of internet gateways in 200 rural-Texas schools in Region 9 of the Texas Education Authority with a cross-border telecommunication connection with Monterrey, Mexico.

Please click here for in depth detail about Nexpirion.


Trust your telecom business to a recognized industry leader who holds a license issued by the US Department of the Treasury.



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