• Medical Science says fever or body temperature is one of your body's first reactions to infection and is common in illnesses like influenza & COVID-19.

    Monitoring your body temperature can help detect disease early and help you know if it's okay to go to work or school.

    Part of your brain called the hypothalamus continually adjusts your body temperature to maintain an optimal environment for your body functions. A normal temperature is around 98.6 degrees.

    When your immune system detects the presence of a virus in your body, it signals the hypothalamus to turn up the heat, creating a fever, which stimulates your immune response. A temperature higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit can indicate that your body is fighting an infection.

    By regularly monitoring your body temperature, you can immediately detect subtly higher temperatures.

    This might be an early warning sign that you're about to get sick, so take immediate measures to protect yourself as well as others. This is critical for diseases like COVID-19 where you are contagious several days before showing any symptoms at all.

    Be sure to track your temperature so you can see your results over time and note any variations as soon as they appear. If you have a fever or notice any abnormalities, stay home, monitor your symptoms, and call a doctor if needed.

    By understanding your own individual body temperature, which can indicate an infection, you can prevent spreading it to others, your family, friends, coworkers and stay safe, healthy, and productive.

    Albert Titus

    By ensuring that everyone has access to wearables, and accepts them, the devices can help keep people healthy in the midst of a global pandemic.

    ALBERT TITUS, Professor and chair
    University of Buffalo, Department of Biomedical Engineering
    Published August 12, 2020
    Reprinted from The Conversation …

    The difficulty many people have getting tested for SARS-CoV-2 and delays in receiving test results make early warning of possible COVID-19 infections all the more important.

    Today’s wearable device gathers data about physical activity, heart rate, body temperature and blood oxygen concentration. This data from wearable health and fitness devices shows promise for identifying who might have COVID-19.

    Smartwatches are the most common type of wearable.


    This is the Mission of TRACKLET, brought to you by Nexpirion’s Accelerated Covid Tracking.

    • Create a readily available manner of collecting the body temperature data of your employees and possibly family members around your employees.
    • Provide a safe and reliable method to collect this biometric body temperature and other related information.
    • Provide a safe and secure way to keep and manage this data without compromising the security of the data collected.
    • Provide a logical method to decipher this collected data.
    • Provide a way for instructions to be delivered to the potentially infected person or employees before they enter the workplace and infect other employees and or contaminate a warehouse full of products.